here is my game load order in case it's neccesary. i attempted to make sam esp core so i could put it on top of sos core (since in MO is flagged as a master file, and that way the sam esp could have more priority), and see if it fixed it, but still it hasnt worked. is this supposed to work this way? i thought i could use full sam normally with vanilla races and the femboy race use sos separetly, i don't want it to conflict with each other. i also followed instructions from other threads in vectorplexus and still nothing. and it shouldnt be! I don't know why this is happening. the schlongs only worked if using the sos mcm, but in sam it didn't work. I am absolutely aware that the author of femboy gave intructions for sam and sos to work for the race, I followed the authors intructions, every single step, several times, And ALMOST everything worked fine, my vanilla race characters used sam body as usual, but now there wouldn't be schlongs, my nord character just keeps wearing underwear. Ok so, basically I am having the same problem as this person in this thread with the femboy race.